With its innovative engineering and procurement solutions, prolim makes machinery and plant more profitable and competitive.


Product development

With fresh approaches, constructive ambition, pragmatic thinking and a broad base of fabrication expertise, prolim can achieve significantly reduced manufacturing costs for your products, gaining you a decisive market advantage.


prolim gives you access to a global network of qualified suppliers, draws up excellent purchasing strategies, shortens procurement processes and optimises deployment of your resources, thus helping you cut costs.


Procurement for prototypes is time consuming, especially in larger organisations. With prolim, this process is empirically three to four times shorter than the equivalent internal process. Meaning you can save time and have peace of mind. more


In more than 15 years of practical experience, prolim has continually refined design-to-cost methods, such as target cost management, value analysis and product design cost estimation. prolim demonstrates how to formulate and achieve manufacturing cost targets.

Profit potential analysis

A potential analysis rapidly identifies how you can use rigorous cost management to significantly boost your margins while at the same time reducing time-to-market by up to 50%. This analysis is reliable and entirely without risk to you. more


prolim makes use of a broad network of proven specialists in the fields of manufacturing, logistics, industrial design, IT and research.


prolim is proud to work for companies that are leaders in their field:
